PhoA Help System

Keyboard and mouse controls

It is possible in PhoA to perform almost any operation by a number of ways: selecting an item in the main menu, clicking a toolbar button (only in the browse mode), by pressing a keyboard shortcut, selecting an item from popup menu, or, finally, with the mouse. Below are keyboard shortcuts and mouse control for two major modes: in browse mode, and in view mode.

Browse mode


Shortcut Action Description
Ctrl+NCreate new photo albumErases all photo album info as well as groups and pictures.
Ctrl+OOpen photo album fileInvokes photo album file-open dialog, loads photo album for processing or viewing.
Ctrl+SSave photo album fileStores photo album file currently open to the disk.
F12Save photo album to another fileBrings up photo album file-save dialog, writes the photo album to the file selected and makes file the current one.
Alt+InsCreate gorupCreates new group as a child to the group currently highlited, assigns it the default name and starts editing the name.
InsAdd picture(s)Brings up Add pictures wizard (pictures are added to the current group).
DelDeleteRemoves group or pictures currently highlighted after confirmation (depends on current selection).
Ctrl+Z, Alt+BackspaceUndoRolls back the last change you have done to the photo album.
Ctrl+X, Shift+DelCutCuts pictures currently highlighted into the clipboard (pictures cut you can add later to another group).
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+InsCopyCopies pictures currently highlighted to the clipboard (pictures copied you can add later to another group).
Ctrl+V, Shift+InsPasteAdds pictures from the clipboard to the current group (only if clipboard contains valid pictures placed there by PhoA).
Alt+EnterEditInvokes Photo album properties dialog, Edit picture(s) dialog, or enters current group name editing mode (depends on current selection).
Ctrl+F3Sort picturesBrings up Sort pictures dialog.
Ctrl+ASelect allHighlights all pictures in the current group.
Ctrl+DSelect noneRemoves highlight from all pictures in the current group.
Ctrl+EnterViewEnters view mode at the current picture.
F4Program preferencesDisplays Program preferences dialog.
F8StatisticsCalculates and displays photo album statistics.
Ctrl+RRebuild thumbnailsOpens Rebuild thumbnails dialog.
Ctrl+F2Picture operationsBrings up Picture operations dialog.
F3FindAloows you to find pictures.
Ctrl+F1AboutDisplays version, copyright and PhoA home site info.
F1Help contentsRuns PhoA Help System.
Arrow keysMove selectionMoves highlight along group tree or in picture list (depends on which pane is active).
Home, Ctrl+Page UpFirst elementMoves selection to the first group/picture (depends on which pane is active).
End, Ctrl+Page DownLast elementMoves selection to the last group/picture (depends on which pane is active).
Page UpPrevious pageScrolls one screen up.
Page DownNext pageScrolls one screen down.
Shift+Arrow keysPicture range selectionSelects picture sequence (starting at previous and ending at next highlighted).
Shift+Home, Shift+Ctrl+Page UpSelect to beginSelects pictures from current through first.
Shift+End, Shift+Ctrl+Page DownSelect to endSelects pictures from current through last.
Shift+Page UpSelect page upSelects pictures from current through one one screen up.
Shift+Page DownSelect page downSelects pictures from current through one one screen down.
Ctrl+GPicture groupsDisplay photo album group tree (when a view is displayed).
Shift+Alt+InsNew viewInvokes Add view dialog.
Shift+Alt+DelDelete viewRemoves current view from the photoa lbum.
Shift+Alt+EnterEdit viewOpens View properties dialog.
Shift+Alt+GMake a groupOpens Select a group dialog to place view's holders to.


Shortcut Action Description
WheelScrollScrolls group tree or picture list (depends on which pane is active).
Left button clickSingle selectionSelects single group or single picturte (depends on which pane is active).
Right button clickContext menuInvokes context menu.
Ctrl+Left button clickMulti-select picturesSelects or unselects single picture.
Shift+Left button clickSelect picture rangeSelects pictures in sequence (from highlighted to one being clicked).
Drag with left button pressed in area aside pictures, Alt+Drag with left button pressedRectangular selectionDraws rectangular picture selection box.
Shift+Alt+Drag with left buttonAdd rectangular selectionUnions current selection with rectangular selection box.
Drag selected pictures with left button to a groupMove picturesMoves selected pictures from current group to target one. Displays message of number of pictures actually moved.
Ctrl+Drag selected pictures with left button to a groupCopy picturesCopies selected pictures from curent group to another one. Displays message of number of pictures actually copied.
Double click on a group tree nodeCollapse/ExpandCollapses or expands tree node.
Double click on a pictureView modeEnters view mode at the current picture.

View mode


Shortcut Action Description
Page Down, SpaceNext pictureAdvances to the next picture.
Page Up, BackSpacePrevious pictureReverts to the previous picture.
HomeFirst pictureJumps to the first picture in the group.
EndLast pictureJumps to the last picture in the group.
+ (numeric keypad)Zoom inEnlarges picture by value defined in View mode settings dialog.
- (numeric keypad)Zoom outScales picture down by value defined in View mode settings dialog.
* (numeric keypad)Zoom best fitScales the picture to best fit the viewing window.
/ (numeric keypad)Zoom actual sizeDisplays picture at its actual size (so that one picture pixel corresponds to one screen pixel).
Alt+EnterEditOpens Edit picture dialog for picture currently displayed.
PauseToggle Slide Show modeActivates or deactivates automatic timed Slide Show mode. Slide Show parameters are set up in View mode settings dialog.
FToggle fullscreen / window modeSwitches between fullscreen and window mode.
F5Refresh pictureReloads current picture from file.
F4Program preferencesDisplays Program preferences dialog.
F1HelpDisplays view mode help.
Enter, EscFinish viewingReturns to the browse mode.
Arrow keysScroll pictureScrolls picture in the given direction (in case it doesn't fit the window).
Shift+Arrow keysAccurately scroll pictureSlowly scrolls picture in the given direction (in case it doesn't fit the window).
Ctrl+Arrow keysQuickly scroll pictureQuickly scrolls picture in the given direction (in case it doesn't fit the window).
Ctrl+IInfo bar relocationDisplays resizing handles around info-string allowing you to resize or move it. Pressing it twice or mouse click outside the bar finishes this mode.


Shortcut Action Description
Wheel downNext pictureAdvances to the next picture.
Wheel upPrevious pictureReverts to the previous picture.
Middle button click, Wheel clickToggle fullscreen / window modeSwitches between fullscreen and window mode.
Right button clickContext menuInvokes context menu.
Ctrl+Wheel upZoom inEnlarges picture by value defined in View mode settings dialog.
Ctrl+Wheel downZoom outScales picture down by value defined in View mode settings dialog.
Dragging with left button pressedScroll pictureScrolls picture in the given direction (in case it doesn't fit the window).